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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Year 9 Recipes 

w/c 26 February and 4 March – Quesadillas


2 tortilla wraps
150g grated cheddar cheese

Plus two additional ingredients e.g.:

Spring onions finely sliced including green stems
Cooked chicken
Tinned sweetcorn
BBQ sauce
Red pepper

A named sealable container to carry your quesadillas home in 

w/c 18 March and 25 March -  Beef Burgers


250g minced beef steak
½ egg – supplied at school
Salt and pepper – supplied at school
1 tbsp olive oil - supplied at school

A named sealable container to carry your burgers home in 

w/c 6 May and 13 May – Shortcrust Pastry (Vegetarian) Sausage Rolls


100g plain flour (or 50g plain, 50g wholemeal)
25g baking margarine
and 25g white fat, e.g. lard
50g baking margarine


200g sausage meat or half a pack of sausages skin removed or200g vegetarian sausage meat orhalf a pack of vegetarian sausages (the ones with skins work best)

A named sealable container to carry your sausage rolls home in 

w/c 10 June and 17 June - Curry


45 ml olive oil
1 medium onion
400 g chicken fillet
2 cloves of garlic
1 green chilli or green pepper
¼ tsp salt - supplied at school
¼ tsp turmeric - supplied at school
½ tsp ground cumin - supplied at school
¼ tsp ground coriander - supplied at school
1 tsp tomato purée - supplied at school
¼ tsp garam masala or 1 tsp curry paste - supplied at school
30ml double cream

A named sealable container to carry them home in