'Go Forth and Achieve'
Head of House - Ms R Warren
Deputy Head of House - Miss K Haslett (maternity leave)
Pastoral Manager - Mrs K Duke
- Jacob Potts left Oxted School in 2000 and is now a boxer
- James Alexander left Oxted School in 1988 and is now an actor
What Makes Stocketts Distinctive?
High Expectations, no excuses is what we aim for in Stocketts.
As a House team, we believe that learning is about making mistakes, listening carefully to feedback and persisting to improve despite setbacks and challenges.
House Assembly
Students will regularly attend assembly with their House
House Achievement
Champion House
Achieved top ATL grades 2013/14
House Student Leadership - (Roles & Responsibilities)
House Captains
Manage Prefect team
Assist in day to day running of House
Deputy House Captains
Assist House Captains
Sports Captains
Organise teams for inter-House competitions
Year 11 Prefects
Mentor Year 7 tutor groups
Assist in organising House teams
Arrange litter duty rota and co-ordination
The House system plays an important role in the life of students. It provides every student with:
Daily contact with a Form Tutor (Form Tutors are part of the House team). The Form Tutor will be at the centre of the student's experience
A tutorial programme delivering academic mentoring and developing personal well-being
Monitoring of their learning behaviours
Support for issues that are barriers to learning
The House team will contact parents to:
Celebrate students' achievements
Notify parents of House events
Clarify issues that may be affecting a student's learning or well-being
Discuss concerns over attendance
Notify parents of detentions
Where parents can find further information during the academic year:
Parent weekly bulletin
School Calendar
Letters from School
Like us on Facebook - oxtedschool
Follow us on Twitter - @oxtedschool
Parents can support the House team by:
Keeping contact details up to date
Informing School of any changes to family circumstances
Communicating concerns regarding any aspect of School as soon as they become a concern
Ensuring your child attends regularly, helping them to achieve 95% or higher attendance
Provide the necessary equipment so your child is always ready to learn
Ensure your child is correctly wearing full uniform and is punctual for the start of the school day
Take an interest in your child's school work and encourage them to always do their best, including the completion of homework
Co-operate with the School in providing the best education for your child
Ways that parents can communicate with the House:
Emailing the Form Tutor
Emailing members of the House team
Telephoning a member of the House team