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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Whole School Provision Map


Students who are on the SEND register will have a student profile in place outlining their individual needs and suggested strategies for support.

Other policies and guidance most relevant to this provision map are:


Area of Need

All Students

Students with additional needs

Students with significant needs

Students with complex needs

Communication and Interaction

All students’ progress tracked, and key strategies implemented across subjects

Differentiated lessons according to students’ ability and learning styles

Opportunities for class discussion across the curriculum

Consistent encouragement of formal language

Visual prompts and aids across the curriculum, which are subject specific

Pastoral support from form tutors

Opportunities at break and lunch to interact with peers

Lucid Exact Screening to identify potential language needs

Careers advice to support transition for Year 11 to further education

Language and Communication assessment 

Social skills group

Student profile circulated to all teachers and support staff

LSA intervention in class to support language

Regular training for teachers to support children with specific needs

Targeted homework club with teaching assistant support

Transitional visits and meetings with key staff to support transition for Year 6

Targeted support to complete application process for transition for Year 11 to further education

Assessment for Access: Arrangements for exams which may include extra time, reader, scribe, use of laptop

Further targeted Language and Communication intervention 

Assessment by Educational Psychologist with advice 

Referral to outside agency, as appropriate 

Regular CPD for staff working with children with significant and/or complex needs.

Transition sessions to understand expectations of new settings and prepare for changes

Parent workshops and coffee mornings/evenings.

Transitional visits and meetings with key staff to support transition for Year 11 to further education

Social, Emotional and Mental Health

All students’ progress tracked, and key strategies implemented across subjects 

Differentiated lessons according to students’ ability and learning styles 

Staff presence around the school during structured and unstructured times of the day

High expectations of behaviour

Clear behavioural steps visible to all children

All behaviour recorded and tracked on system

PSHE Curriculum

Wide variety of extracurricular activities

Careful consideration of learning profile, in particular language skills 

Referral to counselling service

Key worker

Advice from Educational Psychologist

Social skills group

Break and lunchtime provision

Transitional visits and meetings with key staff to support transition for Year 6

Transition groups at start of
Year 7. Student profile of need with strategies circulated to all teachers and support staff


Pastoral Support Programme 

Referral to CAMHS 

Referral to alternative provision 

Referral to outside agencies Educational Psychologist involvement

Young Carers

Cognition and Learning

All students’ progress tracked, and key strategies implemented across subjects 

Differentiated lessons according to students’ ability and learning styles

Range of resources to encourage cognitive development

Lucid Exact Screening to identify potential literacy and SpLD needs

Language and Communication 6-week programme 

Literacy group 

Student profile circulated to all teachers and support staff 

LSA intervention in class to support language 

Targeted homework club with teaching assistant support

Assessment by Educational Psychologist with advice  

Referral to outside agency, as appropriate 

Regular CPD for staff working with children with significant and/or complex needs 

Transition sessions to understand expectations of new settings and prepare for changes 

Parent workshops and coffee mornings 

Sensory/ Physical

All students’ progress tracked, and key strategies implemented across subjects 

 Differentiated lessons according to students’ ability and learning styles

Students walk on the left

Blinds on windows 

Stairwells clearly marked 

Steps marked with yellow paint 

Interactive whiteboards in classrooms 

Extra-curricular clubs and opportunities 

Disabled toilet 

Space to leave books/equipment throughout the day 

Pen and pencil grips 

 Student profile with strategies circulated to all teachers and support staff 

Referral to Occupational Therapy or the Sensory Support Team 

Observations and feedback by LA Visual Impaired and Hearing-Impaired Service 

Regular training for teachers to support children with specific needs 

Transitional visits and meetings with key staff to support transition for Year 6 

Targeted support to complete application process for transition for Year 11 to further education 

Assessment for Access Arrangements which may include extra time, modified papers, use of laptop

Resources for Occupational therapy/physiotherapy activities 

Evacuation chair