We strive to enable students to achieve the highest standards of which they are capable. As well as skills in learning vocabulary, using dictionaries and other resources, students are provided with a solid grounding in the structures and patterns of the language through a range of contexts.
Our aim is to develop language learners who are enthusiastic about their learning; able to communicate in another language, and capable of working independently.
To create motivated and confident language learners who have an acute awareness and respect for the differences between languages and cultures around the world. To widen students’ horizons, increase their cultural capital and ready them for a globalised world. Students enjoy and are positive about learning a language and thrive in communicating in another language and working independently.
Our Learning Journey
Qualifications and Exam Board Information
Staff Contacts
Head of Faculty - Mrs M Gonzalez Del Solar -
Heads of Department:
French - Mr K Vouimba -
Spanish - Mrs M Gonzalez Del Solar -