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Physical Education


Spiritual Education 

involves students developing a variety of skills, e.g. performing a sequence in gymnastics, which allows the students to express their feelings and emotions as well as be amazed by what their bodies can achieve. 

This happens within Oxted School PE department through a well-balanced PE curriculum, including core PE, GCSE, BTEC or A-Level qualifications and enrichment opportunities where students are able to explore many activities and also take on many different roles within sport such as leader or coach.  The students are able to feel the emotions and feelings that go with each role and activity and develop a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them. Students are consistently encouraged to use their imagination and creativity in their learning, and showcase a willingness to reflect on their experiences.

Moral Education 

in PE concerns students having the opportunity to understand how PE can influence their healthy living and lifestyle.

PE highlights the advantages of health and lifestyle through team sports and health related fitness. PE in general teaches students about code of conduct, etiquette, handshake before and after matches, applauding the opposition, fair play, unwritten rules and sportsmanship. In every lesson students abide by the rules and regulations, gaining a good understanding of rules of sport and the importance of infringements such as penalties and red cards allow students to understand the consequences of their actions which in turn helps students apply this understanding to their own lives.  Within the PE department at Oxted School students are challenged to increase their personal level of fitness and to understand the benefits of this.  They are also taught about the importance of being healthy and activity and how this plays a role in society as a whole.  The concepts of self-discipline to excel are essential. Students are taught that the only way you can achieve in sport to a high standard is if you work hard and if you can discipline yourself to train and apply yourself.

Social Education 

involves students having the opportunity to work as a team, as well as reflect on feelings of determination and enjoyment. Students are given the role of a coach or leader to develop their social skills in co-operation, communication, commitment, loyalty and team work. 

The Oxted School PE department provides a varied and balanced curriculum as well as extracurricular opportunities and teams at all levels of competition in a variety of sports and activities.  This gives students the opportunity to work together as a team and work on communication and leadership skills.  Many students take on the roles of leader and coach during PE lessons and can be assessed in these roles through the BTEC Sport qualifications at Level 2 and Level 3.  Students are always challenged to give 100% during PE lessons and the department has a strong ethos of encouraging others during lessons.

Cultural Education 

in PE means students are given the opportunity to learn games and dances from different traditions, including their own as well being able to appreciate the differences between male and female roles within sport. 

The Oxted School PE department activity promote and celebrate a variety of local, national and international sporting events, students are encouraged to watch, listen and read reports on these sporting events and celebrate in the success of British sporting hero’s, but hero’s from around the globe. The students at Oxted School have the opportunity to learn many sports which originated from this country and also others.  The students are often taught about the origins of a certain sport and also the countries around the world that excel at each sport.  The students are given the opportunity to compete against other schools from around the country in a variety of sports.  This often means the students are absorbing themselves into different cultures from around the country and learning respect for these cultures.

Examples of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education in PE include:

  • Students reflecting on values surrounding competition which includes ‘winning at all costs' as well as sportsmanship and fair play

  • Students learning to handle success and defeat with dignity

  • Giving time for focus group discussions on lesson objectives and outcomes as well as listening to other people's opinions and giving feedback

  • Students being introduced to tactics and strategies in sport

  • Students developing their moral stance through developing a sense of fair play and positive sporting behaviour as well as reflecting on the need for rules

  • Students discovering the role of sport and dance in society and the arts as well as learning dances from different traditions

  • Students becoming aware of different cultural attitudes towards aspects of physical activity

  • Students competing against schools around the country often from different cultures.

  • Students experiencing different roles and the emotions that go with each role.

  • Students are challenged to increase their personal fitness and know the role in society of being healthy and active and free from illness/disease

  • Students learn that sport has rules to keep people safe as does society for the same reason

  • Students are challenged to give 100% effort in lessons and have an ethos of encouraging others as they should in life

  • Students are asked to reflect on their actions and how this affects others in a team

  • Students are taught to believe in themselves and what they can achieve if they have a ‘can do' attitude

British Values 

We aim to instil British values to all our students in a variety of ways within Physical Education.

Through our carefully planned curriculum we aim to teach and develop lifelong skills that are applicable not just in PE lessons but is wider society also.


Within all lessons students get the opportunity to have their opinions heard amongst their peers when discussing topics and current issues and tactics.

Students are encouraged to learn about democracy and allowing everyone the opportunity to have their say. This is often seen through feedback and peer and self-analysis tasks within lessons.

Rule of Law

A key part of Physical Education lessons is about teaching students about rules, sportsmanship, etiquette and fair play.

In every lesson students abide by the rules and regulations, gaining a good understanding of rules of each sport and the importance of infringements such as penalties and red cards allow students to understand the consequences of their actions which in turn helps students apply this understanding to their own lives.

Individual Liberty

Within our lessons students are taught about self-discipline and that to be successful you must work hard, show resilience and have a growth mind-set that anything can be achieved if you put your mind to it.

Individuals are encouraged to make sensible and informed choices in lessons and to take ownership and leadership for this. This is demonstrated through ensuring the working environment is safe as well as students regularly being in charge of warm-ups and cool-downs being responsible for their group’s cardiovascular element and stretching.


Students in PE use of a range of social skills in different contexts, including working and socialising with pupils from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.

They are also taught about respecting students’ different abilities and also the calls/judgements made by officials during games.  They also look at the expression of different cultures and be tolerant of the actions and decisions made by individuals. We also celebrate the decisions and actions where possible. In GCSE PE and BTEC Sport students learn how many different factors influences peoples participation in sport – these factors include religion and personal belief.