Remote Learning
To ensure continuity of the high-quality teaching and learning you would expect from Oxted School, online live lessons will take place if a year group switches to remote learning. All of these lessons will take place on Microsoft Teams in line with your child’s timetable but will also be recorded so they can be reviewed at a later date. Microsoft Teams is available as an app on mobile phones, as well as being accessible to students through the Oxted School website. We expect students to attend all lessons, as they would in school. Registers will be taken for each live lesson, and unexpected absence from lessons will be followed up. If your child has any issues accessing live lessons, please do get in touch with the year team who will be able to advise you on the next steps.
There may be occasions where the member of staff delivering the lesson is unwell and therefore unable to deliver the lesson live. In these cases, work will be set as an assignment on Microsoft Teams (please see guidance for using Microsoft Teams).
- Guidance for accessing Teams can be found here
- Guidance for expectations during Live activities can be found here
If there is no live lesson or assignment set (which could be caused by absence at very short notice), we suggest that your child access this website and uses the high-quality resources for the appropriate year group and subject.