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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

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Duke of Edinburgh's Award

"In the summer of 1938, I found myself walking five miles, as fast as I could, along country roads in Morayshire. I had never done anything like it before, and I fervently prayed I would never have to do anything like it again. It so happens my prayer was answered because I was completing – successfully as it turned out – a section of the Moray badge, a direct ancestor of what has
come to be known as The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award”
- HRH The Duke of Edinburgh.

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award has been a British institution for over 65 years now and during that time has become a highly sought after Award which is widely recognised by British employers and Universities alike.

The reason why both employers and Universities have such high regard for the Award are the skills it instils in young people and the level of commitment it demands. 

The skills students develop while undertaking the Award are:

  • Self-belief

  • Self-confidence

  • A sense of identity

  • Independence of thought and action

  • A sense of responsibility

  • An awareness of their potential

  • New talents and responsibilities

The Award achieves this by providing a balanced, non-competitive programme which is voluntary and available to all.

Further information about The Award, in general, can be found at

The DofE Award at Oxted School

At Oxted School. we aim to provide a high quality learning experience for each and every participant.  This ethos has led us to become the largest school-based DofE centre in Surrey, with approximately 300 students registering for the Award each academic year.  The Award itself is broken down into three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold.  All student enter the Award a the Bronze level in Year 9.


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