Graphic Design
In Graphic Design students will look to develop drawing, problem solving, specific computer skills such as Photoshop and sketch up, which with the ever-developing technology will be a useful life skill. Through the subject students will develop the use of researching of other artists/illustrators or different design movements. This will help develop their analysing skills and can help push their creativity to design their own products. Using a range of different medias and projects that can reflect real life career options it is an exciting course.
Through KS3 students will be introduced to new designing programs and developing skills that they will require for KS4 in terms of research and designing.
When in KS4 students will further develop their knowledge in a range of computer design programs and use portfolio based projects to mimic real life graphic career way of working.
Our Learning Journey
Qualifications and Exam Board Information
Staff Contact
Head of Graphic Design - Miss D Sebe-Ankra -