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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

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Other Courses Offered


A very small number of students require a more bespoke curriculum at Key Stage 4 and for these students we offer the ASDAN Personal and Social Development Programme. The SENDCo, working in collaboration with the Head of Year and parents, will identify students who may require this adaption to their Option Pathway.

ASDAN is a curriculum development and awarding organisation that provides qualifications and the development of key skills for young learners. Our students at Oxted will follow the ASDAN Personal Development Programme, Bronze, Silver and Gold levels.


The programme is designed to nurture belief, engagement and creativity in education over their KS4 journey. The completion of the course enables students to develop skills in the following areas:

  • Development of planning and timekeeping
  • Students learn how to successfully review their progress
  • Development of teamwork, independent learning skills, problems solving, functional Maths skills, English and ICT

Learners will:

  • Become confident individuals who are physically, emotionally and socially healthy
  • Be responsible citizens who are able to make a positive contribution to society and embrace change
  • Develop skills problem solving and build resilience


The course is credit based and learners are assessed at the end of every module to ensure their work meets the required learning objectives. They are required to earn 8 credits to pass the course and earn their Level 1 Award, students are expected to progress onto Level 2. Each module is internally moderated and once the course is complete, students work will be externally moderated by ASDAN for quality control.

What will students learn about?

The Certificate of Personal Effectiveness is a nationally recognised qualification outcome of the ASDAN programmes. The qualifications offer imaginative ways of accrediting young people's activities. They promote and allow centres to record a wide range of personal qualities, abilities, and achievements of young people, as well as introducing them to new activities and challenges.

The CoPE Student Book comprises 12 modules, each of which is divided into three sections. Students will need 12 credits to gain the Certificate of Personal Effectiveness.

The module titles are:

  • Communication
  • Citizenship and Community
  • Sport and Leisure
  • Independent Living
  • The Environment
  • Vocational and Diploma Preparation
  • Health and Fitness 
  • Work Related Learning and Enterprise
  • Science and Technology
  • International Links
  • Expressive Arts
  • Beliefs and Values

What skills will students develop and demonstrate?

By building a Portfolio of Evidence as they complete various challenges, students must demonstrate competence at Level 1 or 2 in the following skills: Introduction to Working with Others, Introduction to Improving own Learning and Performance, Introduction to Problem Solving, Planning and Carrying out a Piece of Research, Communication through Discussion and Planning and Giving an Oral Presentation.