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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust



In all areas of music students are focusing on people and their backgrounds, social, spiritual and moral development.

Students not only perform music from different cultures and social backgrounds but have to consider their opinions on what they are studying and those of who they are working with.

Music aims to give a well-rounded education, not only of how to play instruments, but of the history of music and the people from those times, cultures and styles. This is not only happening within lessons but within our strong enrichment culture within the school.

These are the topics students study ...

Year 7



Reading Music, Instruments of the Orchestra, Christmas Songs

Spiritual/cultural – looks at different types of Christmas songs, secular or religious.

Instruments of the orchestra – cultural, how instruments have developed over time and the types of people that would have had access to music in these periods in history


This is a very religious group of instruments, which comes from Indonesia. Students learn how to not only play the instruments, but follow the rules of the Gamelan – no shoes, not to step over the instruments etc. This is because the instruments represent different Gods and are said to have invisible strings connecting to the heavens, stepping over them breaks the connection. Students also learn about the story of the Gods behind the Gamelan and the cultural/moral connection of being part of the Gamelan. Only well respected members of the community are part of it and the larger the instrument the older and more respected you are – represents are more important God. Students work as a whole class to perform a piece of Gamelan music


Students learn about the African culture and the idea of the Master Drummer and working as a community. The Master Drummer must always be followed by the rest of the ensemble. They must have at least 20 years drumming experience and know every rhythm and dance move to every piece of their community and all neighbouring communities. Students develop their knowledge of how to create music as a group

Dance Music

Students look into how electronic dance music is created, who it is for and where it would be performed. They contrast this with music from the classical period, where it was commissioned and only played at much more formal occasions. Music was for the upper classes

Year 8

Topic SMSC

Song Writing

Students look at how to not only have to work together to write a song, but study songs with social and political meanings. They have to not only identify what the song is about, but its message, where it could be performed and who the target audience is. For example, their listening assignment involves the song War by Edwin Starr, about the Vietnam war and Where is the Love by the Black Eyed Peas, about having respect for different backgrounds and religions. This is particularly current given the recent One Love Manchester performance

Performance Techniques

Students work in groups or as a class to create a performance. They have to weigh up each other’s strengths and weaknesses and work out how to perform together

Bass Riffs and Hooks

A study of modern day and Baroque Music. Students focus on the differences between how composers created music in the 1600s and now, the types of audiences and venues for these styles

Year 9

Topic SMSC


Students look into the cultural background of the blues, slavery and attitudes towards black civil rights, as we well as listening to and learning to perform in this style


Students study the Rastafarian religion and Jamaica, how it differs to our culture as well as learning to perform in this style

Research Topic

This is an opportunity for students to choose any person/group from the music industry in any time period. Students have to talk about why this person inspires them, their background, how they came to be successful, the styles of music they create and the audience they aim their work at

20th Century Music

Students study how 20th Century Music made people rethink the way music is created and heard. For example 4:33 where the instruments are completely silent but any sound around them is considered music. Students create music and listen to music in various 20th century art music styles and study the idea that this music is meant to challenge the listener

Film Music

Students create music to a soundtrack of a film and have to make a robot appear emotive. They also study how to create music for horror films and the history of film music and how music can represent a character



Students study music from many cultures as well as fusion music which brings together music of varying cultures and social backgrounds.

Students also have to compose in these styles and perform with students who may have different musical backgrounds to their own, learn about music that is out of their comfort zone or not necessarily to their personal taste.


We run many programmes where students can take on responsibilities to develop as musicians and individuals as well as work with other students.

  • School Show (every year)
  • Junior Choir
  • Senior Choir
  • The ‘Shoop Shoop’ Sisters
  • Oxted School Orchestra
  • Samba
  • String Group
  • Brass Group
  • Concert Band
  • Jamming Club
  • Carol, Spring and Summer Concerts
  • KS3 Concert
  • GCSE and A-Level Concerts
  • Music Inter-House