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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Sixth Form Overview

Welcome to Oxted Sixth Form, an integral and highly successful part of our school.

Oxted School Sixth Form offers young people of all abilities an extensive range of opportunities, both academic and enrichment, which help prepare you for life at university, in training or employment.  Academic success is at the forefront of our thinking and Ofsted has recognised the achievements of our Sixth Form students in every regard.

We believe that a young person’s time in the classroom provides only a part of their learning at school and when you join Oxted Sixth Form you will have numerous opportunities to take on roles of responsibility, develop your wider skills, act as a role model within the school community and, just as importantly, have fun.

Our Sixth Form team is dedicated to ensuring that you get the best opportunities to prepare you for the world beyond school. To us this means both academic preparation to ensure you get the highest possible grades and also the acquisition and development of the skills you will need to succeed in life – such as independence, teamwork and resilience.

'Sixth form students are excellent role models for younger pupils.  

They feel they are given every possible opportunity to grow both academically and as individuals.

Their leadership skills are actively encouraged and supported. They play a full role in the life of the school and it's community

Ofsted, February 2022


Meet the Sixth Form Team

Director of Sixth Form





Deputy Head of Sixth Form

Mr Matthews is Deputy Head of Sixth Form.  His subject specialism is Physical Education having been a Subject Leader in London before coming to Oxted School. He believes teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs on the planet and simply asks students to try and be the best version of themselves. Contact:



Deputy Pastoral Lead






Sixth Form Manager

Mrs L’Estrange is the first point of contact for students and parent/carers.  Students are encouraged to come in to the Sixth Form Office at any time to discuss any concerns and celebrate their successes.  The aim of the role is to make sure that new Year 12 students successfully settle in to Sixth Form life, make the most of the experiences on offer and then are prepared for next steps after Oxted School Sixth Form.  Supporting with work experience in Year 12 and then university and apprenticeship application support in Year 13 is viewed as very important.  Contact:

Extended Project Qualification Teacher

The Extended Project Qualification has been run very successfully for many years at Oxted School Sixth Form.  It is a stand-alone qualification that is graded A to E and is worth half an A-level.  Mrs Harber supports around 50 students in each year group to complete the qualification alongside their other subjects.   Contact:  



The Junior Leadership Team

Every year a group of normally six to eight new Year 13 students are selected to be Head, Deputy Head or Assistant Head students.  One of their responsibilities is to listen to feedback from students on topics as wide ranging as common room facilities, social events as well as day to day student worries.  They meet weekly with the Sixth Form Team as well as the Partnership Principal to feedback views to the school.


What we expect from an Oxted School Sixth Form Student

At the start of each school year, Sixth Form students are reminded of these key expectations: 

  • to take responsibility for their progress within their courses by attending and participating in all lessons, meeting all course deadlines and completing work to the best of their ability at all times. Additionally, ensuring that their attitude to learning is graded at a 2 or above across all their subjects. Their folders need to be kept up to date and following the Sixth Form guidelines 
  • to behave in a manner appropriate to the Sixth Form in all lessons. This includes, following instructions, listening to staff and not disrupting the learning of others 
  • to arrive punctually to all lessons, tutor times and assemblies 
  • to help maintain a secure site by wearing your identity card and lanyard at all times, and letting us know your car and motorbike/moped registration details if you drive to school 
  • to comply with the published Sixth Form dress code 
  • to comply with the same standards of punctuality, attendance and behaviour that would operate within the world of employment and to contribute to the ethos of the school and not bring it in to disrepute 
  • to attend all lessons, assemblies and tutorial sessions as required (as a guide, satisfactory attendance is considered to be 95% or above with no unauthorised absence)

The Sixth Form teaching team check student folders regularly and the form attached is completed for each all subjects for each student.

Parent Information

A comprehensive parent bulletin is sent out by email to all parents/carers every other Friday.  The bulletin includes important dates for the diary, advanced warning of Sixth Form events as well as a round up of the latest career and higher education events that students have been invited to take part in.  

Student Support

The Sixth Form Team are very keen to promote an open, caring and friendly atmosphere so that students who feel that they need pastoral or academic support are confident they will be dealt with promptly and sympathetically. Students are encouraged to come in to the sixth form office throughout the day to have a chat and get worries resolved straight away. 

Tutor Time

All students are assigned to a Tutor Group of around 15 students.  The Tutor Groups are also part of one of the five school Houses.  The Form Tutor meets the group twice a week and is key to spotting any issues of concern.  The Form Tutor quickly gets to know the students and will liaise with parents and subject teachers as well as the Sixth Form Team. 


One of the biggest predictors of success in Sixth Form is high attendance and that is why registers are monitored very closely.  Parents (rather than students) are expected to notify the Attendance Team if a student is not well enough to attend school of if they have a medical appointment.  If a student is marked as ‘unexplained absent’ on a register by a teacher then an email is sent to a parent at the end of that day with details of who to contact to resolve the issue. 

Overall attendance levels are monitored weekly and if the team are concerned about high absence then the student and their parent is contacted.  In addition, the attendance of students who are considered ‘vulnerable’ is checked throughout the day and parents are phoned if lessons are missed without an explanation being given in advance.

Dress Code

We do not strictly define a uniform however we do want you to dress smartly – school and education is a serious activity: you set an example to younger students and the correct appearance sets the right tone for the Sixth Form and school community.

Although you do not wear school uniform, you still have a Sixth Form dress code that requires you to dress appropriately while in school.  This includes wearing your identification lanyard at all times, which is essential for our safeguarding arrangements at the school.

You can expect to be challenged if you fall below the standards that we set out. Replacement lanyards are available from the Attendance Office.

Acceptable Dress:

  • smart casual wear
  • smart jeans and jeans cut trousers are acceptable
  • smart t-shirts are acceptable
  • smart clean trainers
  • leggings, smart jogging bottoms or jeggings  

Not Acceptable:

  • caps/hoods worn up
  • t-shirts with rude or sexist slogans
  • strapless tops, pencil strap tops, halter necks
  • no cropped tops showing any midriff

The way you dress is very important to us and we will enforce a basic standard of smartness. If you are dressed inappropriately, you will be asked to go home and change. 

Wellbeing Team

The school has its own Wellbeing Team, (Mrs Rastelli - Head of Wellbeing).  Students can approach the team for help with a variety of teenager and family issues including mental health, responsibilities as a young carer as well as safeguarding concerns.  Teachers and the Sixth Form Team use this key resource for advice and guidance and parents can contact them as well.

Further information regarding student wellbeing can be found on the website here


The Sixth Form has its own group to provide support to students who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community or want to support this.  The group meets weekly and is run by the Junior Leadership Team, with help from the Wellbeing Team. 


The school has access to its own counsellors who come into the school to see students.  The students can refer themselves for counselling by filling in a form outside the well being office or the Sixth Form Team can refer students to the service.


The SEN department are responsible for providing support for students who have Special Education Needs.  External applicants for Sixth Form are encouraged to include details of additional needs on their application form.  It is likely that a meeting will be arranged with a member of the SEN Team to discuss needs and to check that the school is able to provide the required level of support to ensure success.  This department also arranges for Exam Access Arrangement assessments to be carried out after a referral has been made. 

For internal applicants, the records and support will transition from Year 11 to Year 12 but parents/carers should contact Mrs L’Estrange if they would like confirmation. 

16 – 19 Bursary

If family finances might prevent a student from accessing sixth form education then a bursary is available to support with expenses such as travel to school, textbooks and school trips.  Further information can be found here

Study Support

The school library has dedicated areas for quiet study.  The Library staff are very keen to support students with using the resources available and can help with accessing the library catalogue to find useful journals and books to support with wider reading and coursework. 

Higher Education

A University application day is held in July of each year for Year 12 students where they use this time getting started with their applications.  In the evening there is a parent’s information meeting.  From the start of Year 13, weekly UCAS clinics are held to support with drafting personal statements and completing applications forms.  An ‘Early Entry’ and Oxford and Cambridge group provide more specialised support with applications to medical schools and Oxbridge.  Further information can be found here


External careers advisers come into the school to meet students and carry out one to one careers interviews.  An apprenticeship application and CV clinic runs weekly from the end of January until exam time in Year 13.  A variety of speakers and events are arranged to engage students in planning for their future.  Further information regarding careers can be found here



'Support for sixth form students is highly effective. There is a well-established balance between support and challenge.

Lessons are focused and challenging. Sixth form leaders are inspiring.

Students are very positive'

Ofsted, February 2022