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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Careers Guidance

Building an understanding of the world of work for all students at Oxted School is key.

We aim to:

  • Promote awareness of career opportunities
  • Advise on how to achieve aspirations and make constructive choices throughout their school career
  • Develop employability skills
  • Assistance with work experience
  • Future Friday careers presentation – talks from individuals in a variety of career sectors
  • Events and outings focused on career awareness
  • Advice and guidance at all key transition stages – choosing GCSEs, post Year 11 and post Year 13

Our Careers Adviser, Jacqui Rich works on behalf of Innervate Careers Service. Students in Year 10 and above are offered a one to one, thorough and informed interview followed up with a detailed action plan session to discuss Post 16 options.  Innervate also deliver assemblies to raise career awareness. 

What is careers Education and Guidance

The CEG programme recognises the need for young people to develop career management skills, starting in Year 7, so that they are better prepared to take their key decisions – Key Stage 4 Options in Year 9 and their Post 16 Options in Year 11.

Through our programme, students acquire skills to:

  • Investigate learning and career opportunities
  • Make informed choices about learning and career options
  • Understand how these choices will help them to achieve their ambitions
  • Successfully manage key transition points

What Opportunities are offered in Careers Education and Guidance?

Year 8 to Year 11

  • The CEG modules are part of the integrated PSHE course in Years 10 and 11. Students research career information, write a CV, role play interviews and learn about basic finance
  • Employment seminars are offered to Year 11 students who are considering employment on the completion of their studies
  • All KS4 students participate in a week's work experience which they are encouraged to organise themselves relating to their individual interests. The school Work Experience Coordinator completes all the appropriate administration for KS4 work experience.  All details are in the Work Experience section of the school website

Year 12 and Year 13

  • All Year 12 students participate in a week’s Work Experience in June of Year 12 as well as attending a Higher Education Conference and other work-related and Higher Education activities in school
  • Occupational workshops given by local professionals are offered in June of Year 12
  • A Higher Education Evening is held in the Spring term for all Year 12 students and parents
  • Employment seminars are offered to Year 13 students who are considering employment on the completion of their studies

Careers Information, Advice and Guidance

There is a huge amount of information online to support career awareness and making the right choices. 

Innervate, our careers provider, have produced the video below which will be helpful to students and parents. Natalie, who presents the video, has also produced a workbook for students to use whilst watching the presentation.

The following are some particularly useful websites:

My Path

  • The Job of the Week resource offers a new job each week

Amazing Apprenticeships

  • The latest apprenticeship information and advice for parents, supported by the National Apprenticeship Service

Parental Guidance

  • Careers information and advice from the Careers Writers Association with a mass of useful information for students aged 11 – 21
  • The website section has detailed links to specific employment sectors

I Could

  • Videos and information on a wide range of careers. Also includes quizzes to help generate ideas

National Careers Service

  • Hundreds of job profiles and career related topics

Careers Box

  • A website with a series of short films describing different jobs
  • New film clips are added regularly


  • Main site for university application
  • Information for students and parents
  • Link to the Stamford Test which helps to match student preferences to courses

Not Going To Uni

  • Lots of information about training courses
  • Advice for students about apprenticeships, jobs and training
  • Details of employees offering apprenticeships and training
  • Students can register to receive weekly updates


  • The main website that advertises all apprenticeship opportunities
  • Can be searched by geographical region or by employment sector
  • Students can register to receive weekly updates


  • National service aimed at graduates but used effectively in schools and colleges
  • Options with your subject can help with course choice
  • Industry Insights gives information about future trends, graduate job prospects and individual jobs
  • What do graduates do?  Useful info on postgraduate destinations

Career Companion

  • Comprehensive database describing a range of careers and required qualifications

Step into the NHS / NHS Careers

  • Two websites specifically designed for students with details about the jobs available in all areas of the NHS
  • Case studies of people who work for the NHS
  • Links to university courses

Career Guides for Young People

  • Youth Employment UK