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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust


At Oxted School we are always delighted to welcome alumni back to visit the school and to share your experiences and expertise with our current students.

We are calling out to former Oxted School students to get in touch and join our alumni network via LinkedIn. It doesn’t matter when you left school, whether you’re in further education or employment, whether you still live nearby or have moved further away, there are still ways you can participate and help.

Each Friday, we invite members of Oxted School alumni to speak to our students about their experiences of the world of work since leaving the school. If you would be interested in delivering one of these talks, or would like to find out about other ways to get involved with the school, you can sign up to Oxted School’s alumni network through our LinkedIn page, or alternatively by emailing 

Ms Nicholls, Deputy Headteacher at Oxted School said: “We are thrilled to be engaging with our alumni through LinkedIn, as it makes an enormous difference to our pupils to hear from former students sharing their inspiring stories about how they made it to the top and what still motivates them to be the best they can be.”

We have invited former students in to speak at school events from a vast range of sectors which we are hoping to build over the coming years. Former students who have visited the school recently include Team GB Olympians and Paralympians, a Formula 1 racing driver, a Metropolitan Police Officer and a successful doctor. They were all able to inspire our students and encourage them to truly believe that anything is possible if you are prepared to work hard and believe in yourself. 

Whilst a student at Oxted School, Flo O’Mahony was inspired to set up her own theatre company when Oliver Lansley, a former student and Artistic Director of Les Enfants Terribles, brought his productions to Oxted School. Flo said: “'I was inspired to set up my own theatre company, The Human Zoo, when ex-student Ollie Lansley brought his productions to the school's drama department. At fifteen, it seemed incredible that somebody could take ownership over their own career by creating work for themselves. As an aspiring actor, I was often warned of the unreliable nature of this industry, but Ollie returning to his old school helped show me that there were other ways to pursue a successful and exciting career in the arts.

We are confident that there are many more successful former Oxted students who would be prepared to help the current members of their old school by speaking at assemblies, meeting with students who are interested in their particular job, offering work experience, mentoring a student who needs career guidance or supporting one of our departments. You can have a dramatic impact upon how our students see the world and their place in the world. We want all of our students to dream big and have ambitions which are tough and challenging, but achievable with hard work and determination.


There are two ways you can register your interest to participate in the scheme: