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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

Year 8 - w/c 15 July


Ferny Crofts Scout Activity Centre                    
Beaulieu Road
SO42 7YQ                                                     
Emergency Contact Tel No: 07741 909264


Departure: Monday 15 July, 10am approx.  

Students should meet their tutor and House Team on the KS3 playground from 9.15am onwards. Parents should drive to the back of school entering by the gate off Park Road.  Please do not arrive earlier than 9.00am as you will be held in a queue in Park Road. 

Please note parents will be asked to drop their child off and then leave.  Please also consider car sharing to limit the amount of traffic. 

Make sure your child can carry what they bring to camp, without anyone else’s help.  Please remember your homemade cake (no nuts). 

Return: Friday 19 July, approximately 2pm-2.30pm

It is hard to be precise, we will leave the campsite between 12 noon and 12.30pm but we are very much at the mercy of M27/M3/M25. We will ask students to message parents as they get to Cobham Services. 


Medication should be in a plastic bag, clearly marked with the student name and tutor group and should be handed to a member of the House team once your child arrives at school. 

Contact from Camp: 

There will be message to say, ‘we have arrived’ and another to say ‘we are on our way home’ but nothing in between. From experience, we know that internet access is patchy on the campsite and staff will only contact home if there is cause. 

Contact with Camp 

There is a school mobile (07741 909264) that can be contacted in an emergency. This number is for the period Monday 15 July – Friday 19 July and should only be used in the event of a real emergency.


There is nowhere for students to spend money. 

Mobile Phones: 

As explained at the parent information evening, mobile phones will be collected from students as they arrive at Ferny Crofts.  The phones will be locked away until Friday’s departure, when they will be given back to students once they are on their coach.  

Camp Kit List


Camp Parent Information Presentation

year 8 camp parent information evening 2024.pdf


Expectations for September

We are so proud of the superb performance of our students again this year; through their hard work in lessons and impressive engagement with the huge array of enrichment activities on offer at the school they have achieved a huge amount. As the year draws to a close, I thought it would be useful to remind you of our uniform and equipment expectations at Oxted School, so you have time to replace any missing items for a fresh start in September. 

Our uniform expectations extend to footwear, jewellery, hair, and make-up. All information on our uniform expectations and how to buy / order uniform can be found on our school website here. The Friends of Oxted School continue to stock and sell second-hand uniform, please do get in touch with Claire Kent ( to enquire about any items you are interested in purchasing. Likewise, if you have uniform you would like to contribute to the second-hand uniform supply, we are always grateful for your donations. 

Please remember that: 

  • Our school jumper is an optional part of uniform; however, the blazer is compulsory
  • Trainers or sports branded footwear must not be worn instead of shoes
  • Hoodies are not permitted to be worn at any time
  • Uniform is checked at the start of the day and throughout to support students to maintain a smart appearance while at school 

To aid students with their learning, students are expected to bring the following equipment to school every day: 

  • A blue or black pen
  • A green pen
  • A pencil
  • A ruler
  • A scientific calculator
  • A reading book 

If you are experiencing any financial difficulties which prohibits your child attending with the correct uniform or equipment, please speak to your child’s Year Team. 

Thank you for your continued support with ensuring that your child is correctly dressed and equipped for school, to allow them to fully participate in the full educational offer here at Oxted School. 

Ms C Nicholls, Senior Vice Principal

Key Dates for Year 8 – Academic Year 2023-24 

  • Monday 22 July and Tuesday 23 July – INSET DAYS