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Careers Statement

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) and Provider Access Statement Policy Revised 2023


A young person’s career reflects the progress they make in learning and work.

The purpose of this policy statement is to set out Oxted School’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purposes of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42BV of the Education Act 1997.

The next review of the information published will be September 2023.

The careers curriculum is well designed and helps pupils to discover the opportunities available to them'.

Ofsted, February 2022


Oxted School is committed to fulfilling its statutory duty to secure independent and impartial careers guidance for students in Years 7-13. (Education Act 1997) The Programme, delivered across all eight Gatsby Benchmarks, is provided within a variety of ways, including through Life Skills and Citizenship (LSC) in Years 7-11. Delivery to Years 12 and 13 is undertaken through attendance of Higher Education Conventions, Apprenticeship Fairs, and an established Work Experience Programme. Students receive regular careers guidance updates via email and the school has subscribed to a number of careers packages and Apprenticeship and University search engines including Unifrog and UCAS.

Progression is ensured through activities that are appropriate to student’s stages of career learning and development. Information is supplied on the range of options available including university, apprenticeships and technical courses to promote the best interest of the student to whom the information is being given.

To view the statutory career guidance please follow this link: 

Statutory Careers Guidance

Statement of Entitlement

In the delivery of CIEAG, students at Oxted School are entitled to expect: 

  • To be treated and respected as individuals
  • To be provided with the opportunity to learn the skills and gain the knowledge needed to earn a living, once they enter employment
  • To be offered individual support in choosing a career path
  • To be offered confidential advice and support (within the schools legal responsibility)
  • To have access to professional and expert advice and guidance
  • To have access to information about educational options, training and employment at post 16 and 18
  • To find out about technical qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provide information on the full range of education and training options available at each transaction point
  • To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer through option choices, assemblies, group discussion and careers events, through Future Friday
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses to allow students to consider how the opportunity to study or train in different ways, and in different environments, might suit their skills, interests and aptitudes 


CIEAG is taught through the PSHE programme and delivered by tutors as part of the timetabled curriculum. 

  • CIEAG is organised by Mr S Orozco Careers Coordinator who also maintains all the Careers resources at the school Years 7 to 11. Years 12 and 13 are supported by Mrs K L'Estrange, Sixth Form Manager. Oxted School’s Careers Leader is Mrs V Tycer, Partnership Assistant Principal
  • We host and visit careers events and activities throughout the year engaging with local businesses and employers to help raise awareness of employability skills to students
  • In Years 10 and 12 students follow a one-week programme of work experience/ shadowing. Our work experience programme is carried out in accordance with the Surrey County Council guidelines
  • Students attend the Surrey Careers Fair, UCAS Higher Education Fair and Emirates Higher Education Fair along with other events. We also host our own Careers Fair biennially for all Year groups (most recent)


Year 7

  • Careers introduction assembly by Innervate
  • Access to Future Friday events 
  • Unifrog

Year 8

  • Careers introduction Assembly by Innervate
  • Access to Future Friday events
  • Unifrog

Year 9

  • Careers assembly
  • Guidance during options choices evening by Innervate
  • Access to Future Friday events
  • Unifrog

Year 10

  • Careers assembly
  • One to one personal guidance by Innervate
  • Access to Future Friday events
  • Work experience week
  • SEN careers interviews
  • College fair, visits to local colleges
  • Apprenticeship assembly by ALPS Surrey
  • We inform parents and careers via email and inform the students via Microsoft Teams of the latest Labour Market Information Data, virtual career events, workshops and webinars that are beneficial to every single student 
  • Unifrog

Year 11

  • One to one personal careers guidance
  • Access to Future Friday events
  • Sixth Form open evening and taster day
  • Apprenticeship assembly by ALPS Surrey
  • College fair, visits to local colleges and/or Universities
  • All our teaching staff link their lessons to careers and our LSC team have a set agenda that addresses the needs of each student 
  • We inform parents and careers via email and inform the students via Microsoft Teams of the latest Labour Market Information Data, virtual career events, workshops and webinars that are beneficial to every single student 
  • Unifrog


Management Procedure of Provider Access Requests

A provider wishing to request access should contact:

Mr S Orozco, Careers Coordinator, on 01883 712425 or email 

Oxted School is proud to host career presentations all year round, this includes access to Independent Training Providers (Provider Access Legislation) to inform our students of the range of technical courses they offer. This follows guidance from the Department of Education under the heading Careers guidance and access for education and training providers 

Premises and Facilities
The school will make the main hall, classrooms or private meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and students as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader and will include safeguarding arrangements.

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature at Reception to be passed to which is managed by the Careers Coordinator.

Monitoring, Review and Evaluation
The careers programme is planned, monitored and evaluated regularly by the Careers Coordinator/Leader in consultation with the Leadership team and Governors.

Students are actively involved in planning, delivery and evaluation of activities.

Funding is allocated in the annual budget planning in the context of whole school priorities and particular needs in the CEIAG area. The Careers Leader is responsible for the effective deployment of resources.