Useful Links

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The Howard Partnership Trust is a growing family of 13 schools in the South East of England. Our family includes Primary, Secondary and Special Schools and welcomes any school that shares our values and commitment to Bringing out the Best in each and every one of our children and young people. Visit website

Part of The Howard Partnership Trust

VI Useful Resources

Things to Do

Blind Children UK

A national organisation providing activities and books and advice

Sight for Surrey

Activities and trips for visually impaired young people in Surrey

Things to Read

RNIB Bookshare

Growing library of school textbooks - students can access a personalised collection of books and become members within their school

Accessible Library

Growing library of fiction and school textbooks - students and families join in their own right


Audio books to download or have delivered on a memory stick, for a one-off fee


Services and shop for people who have a visual impairment. Free access to libraries of books in Braille, giant print and audio on their website

Living Painting

Living Paintings is a charity that produces Touch to See books for blind and partially sighted people of all ages

 Grants and Funds

Family Fund

Grants for families who are disabled or seriously ill


Grants and activities for children who have a visual impairment

 Other Useful Links


Helpline for people who have a visual impairment

Through Scarlett’s Eyes

A network for parents and professionals to support parents and families of Visually Impaired children


Webpage and blog by student Emily Davison, who has a visual impairment. Focus on fashion, also lots of articles about living with a visual impairment


A phone app which connects visually impaired and blind people with sighted people who can help them to see

Surrey Physical and Sensory Support Service (PSSS)

Educational advice and support for visually impaired children and young people

Sight for Surrey

A regional organisation who provide mobility and outreach support people with visual impairment and hearing loss. Working with individuals in the community to be more independent

Metro Blind Spot

A regional organisation which sets up sporting activities for people with visual impairment and physical disabilities

Actionnaires Club

Actionnaires club is run by the Royal National Institute for the Blind, who organise a wide range of activities, with Governing bodies and community clubs

Mousetrap Theatre Projects

Mouse trap offer envision days for blind and partially sighted young people, to engage with all the parts of the production, to explore what goes on behind the scenes and have a go at acting themselves

Braille Chess Association BCA

The BCA support chess players who are blind or partially sighted through offering tuition, coaching and tournaments for all ages from beginner to grandmaster

Surrey VI Cricket

Surrey Cricket offer cricket coaching for visually impaired cricket players, based at the KIA Oval. Additionally, they organise events for schools and colleges, for students to get involved and improve their batting!

Childproofing Your Home for a Child with Vision Impairment 

Prepare a Visually Impaired Child for Daycare

Accessible Entertaining: Making Sure Your Disabled Guests Feel Safe and Welcome in Your Home

How to Design a Sensory Garden for the Blind or Visually Impaired

Legal Requirements of Hiring a Person with a Visual Impairment

Workplace Accommodations

Setting Up the Home Office After Vision Loss

COVID-19 Helping your Visually Impaired Child Learn at Home, Guide Dogs for the Blind